Jean-Baptiste Lamy, the real Archbishop on whom Willa Cather based the titular protagonist of her novel, Death Comes for the Archbishop |
Here are today's milestones:
Born on this day:
Johan Huizinga (1872; died February 1, 1945) Dutch historian; The Autumn of the Middle Ages (a.k.a. The Waning of the Middle Ages); Erasmus; Homo Ludens
Willa Cather (1873; died April 24, 1947) American author; O Pioneers!; Death Comes for the Archbishop; The Song of the Lark; My Ántonia; Pulitzer Prize in Literature (1923)
Died on this day:
Cicero (43 BCE; born January 3, 106 BCE) Roman orator, author, and letter-writer who wrote these orations: In Verrem (Against Verres; In Catilinam (Catiline Orations) I-IV; Philippicae (Philippics); and philosophical works: De Oratore (On the Orator); De Re Publica (On the Commonwealth); De Legibus (On the Laws); De Finibus (On the Ends of Good and Evil); De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods); De Officiis (On Obligations)
Thornton Wilder (1975; born April 17, 1897) American playwright and novelist; three Pulitzer Prizes: The Bridge of San Luis Rey (for Fiction, 1928); Our Town (for Drama, 1938); The Skin of Our Teeth (for Drama, 1942)
Robert Graves (1985; born July 24, 1895) English poet, novelist, and critic; poetry; The White Goddess; The Golden Ass of Apuleius; I, Claudius
Bonus Classic:
Xu Zhonglin (died 1560) Chinese writer; Fengshen Yanyi (The Investiture of the Gods)
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