Classics Calendar for November 15

Georgia O'Keeffe's Black Iris

Here are today's milestones:

Born on this day:

Marianne Moore (1887; died February 5, 1972) American poet; Collected Poems; "Poetry" (a poem); Pulitzer Prize in Poetry (1951)

Georgia O'Keeffe (1887; died March 6, 1986) American artist; inspired by flowers and plants: Petunia No. 2; Black Iris; Oriental Poppies; Jimson Weed, White Flower No. 1; Blue and Green Music; New York cityscapes: City Night; Shelton Hotel, New York No. 1; Radiator Bldg--Night, New York; New Mexico: Black Cross, New Mexico; Cow's Skull: Red, White and Blue; Ram's Head, White Hollyhock-Hills; Summer Days

J. G. Ballard (1930; died April 19, 2009) English novelist and short story writer (including science fiction), and essayist; The Wind from Nowhere; The Drowned World; Crash; Empire of the Sun; High-Rise

Died on this day:

Johannes Kepler (1630; born December 27, 1571) German astronomer; Astronomia Nova (New Astronomy); Harmonices Mundi (The Harmony of the World); Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae (Epitome of Copernican Astronomy)

Margaret Mead (1978; born December 16, 1901) American cultural anthropologist; Coming of Age in Samoa; Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies

Bonus Classic:

The Song of the Nibelungs (between 1180 and 1210) German epic poem about how Siegfried slayed a dragon, how he was murdered, and how his wife Kriemhild sought revenge

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