Classics Calendar for August 30

Poster for the 1931 film version of Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley's

Here are today's milestones:

Born on this day:

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797; died February 1, 1851) English writer best known for the novel Frankenstein; other genres including short stories

Théophile Gautier (1811; died October 23, 1872) French writer; poetry (Émaux et Camées "Enamels and Cameos"), drama, novels (Mademoiselle de Maupin), etc.

Died on this day:

Ariyoshi Sawako (1984; born January 20, 1931) Japanese novelist who wrote The Doctor's Wife, The River Ki, and others

Gertrude Chandler Warner (1979; born April 16, 1890) American author of children's books, especially The Boxcar Children

Naguib Mahfouz (2006; born December 11, 1911)Egyptian writer of 34 novels (including Midaq Alley and the "Cairo Trilogy"), over 350 short stories, and more; winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1988)

Seamus Heaney (2013; born April 13, 1939) Irish poet; playwright; and translator of Beowulf; poetry includes Opened Ground: Selected Poems: 1966-1996; Nobel Prize in Literature (1995)

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