Basho's hut on Camellia Hill by Hiroshige |
Here are today's milestones:
Born on this day:
William Blake (1757; died August 12, 1827) English poet and artist; Songs of Innocence and of Experience; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; Jerusalem; Milton
Friedrich Engels (1820; died August 5, 1895) German philosopher; The Communist Manifesto (with Karl Marx); The Condition of the Working Class in England
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908; died October 30, 2009) French anthropologist who wrote Tristes Tropiques (Sad Tropics); La Pensée sauvage (The Savage Mind); Le Cru et le cuit (The Raw and the Cooked); Myth and Meaning
Alan Lightman (1948 - ) American physicist and writer whose Einstein's Dreams combines these two interests. He has written numerous other short fiction pieces, books (nonfiction and novels), and articles.
Died on this day:
Matsuo Basho (1694; born Unknown Date, 1644) Japanese Buddhist monk and poet; Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Deep North) (one of the "Four Great Haiku Masters")
Cesare Beccaria (1794; born March 15, 1738) Italian philosopher; On Crimes and Punishments
Washington Irving (1859; born April 3, 1783) American short story writer, essayist, and historian; "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," both in The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
Richard Wright (1960; born September 4, 1908) American writer known for Native Son; Black Boy; others
Bonus Classic:
Ptolemy (90-168) Greco-Egyptian scientist in Alexandria, Roman-era Egypt; Almagest (on astronomy); Geography of the "known world"
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