Classics Calendar for April 22

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941 by Ansel Adams

Here are today's milestones:

Born on this day:

Henry Fielding (1707; died October 8, 1754) English novelist and dramatist most famous for The History of Tom Jones

Immanuel Kant (1724; died February 12, 1804) German philosopher; Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Critique of Pure Reason); Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (Critique of Practical Reason); Die Metaphysik der Sitten (The Metaphysics of Morals); Kritik der Urteilskraft (Critique of Judgment)

Vladimir Lenin (1870; died January 21, 1924) Russian revolutionary and political theorist; State and Revolution; Imperialism

Otto Rank (1884; died October 31, 1939) Austrian psychoanalyst, writer, and teacher; Der Mythus von der Geburt des Helden  (The Myth of the Birth of the Hero); Das Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung und Sage (The Incest Theme in Literature and Legend); Das Trauma der Geburt (The Trauma of Birth)

Vladimir Nabokov (1899; died July 2, 1977) Russian-American novelist; novels The Defense; The Gift; Bend Sinister; Lolita; Pnin; Pale Fire; Ada, or Ardor; memoirSpeak, Memory

Louise Glück (1943) American poet; Firstborn; Triumph of Achilles; The Wild Iris; Meadowlands; Averno; Pulitzer Prize for Poetry (1993); US Poet Laureate (2003–2004)

Died on this day:

Kukai (835; born July 27, 774) Japanese monk and founder of Shingon Buddhism; fifty religious works, including Attaining Enlightenment in This Very Existence; The Meaning of Sound, Word, Reality; Meanings of the Word Hum

Ansel Adams (1984; born February 20, 1902) American photographer; Landscape photography of the American Southwest; Monolith, The Face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, 1927; Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941; created the "Zone System" of black-and-white exposure

Mircea Eliade (1986; born March 13, 1907) Romanian historian of religion, philosopher, and fiction writer; Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy; Cosmos and History: The Myth of the Eternal Return; The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion; From Primitives to Zen

Bonus Classic:

Zisi (Kong Ji) (c. 481-402 BCE) Chinese philosopher known for Zhong Yong (Doctrine of the Mean) (one of Confucianism's "Four Books")

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