Classics Calendar for November 8

Bela Lugosi as the first film Dracula (1931)
authorized by Bram Stoker's estate

Here are today's milestones:

Born on this day:

Bram Stoker (1847; died April 20, 1912) Irish author; Dracula

C. H. Waddington (1905; died September 26, 1975) British biologist and philosopher who wrote The Scientific Attitude

Dorothy Day (1897; died November 29, 1980) American journalist and activist; autobiography The Long Loneliness

Julian of Norwich (1342; died Unknown Date, 1416) English mystic; Revelations of Divine Love

Died on this day:

Francis Parkman (1893; born September 16, 1823) American historian known for The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life; France and England in North America

George Wharton James (1923; born September 27, 1858) Anglo-American author who wrote The Wonders of the Colorado Desert; Through Ramona's Country; In and Out of the Old Missions of California; The Lake of the Sky

Ivan Bunin (1953; born October 22, 1870) Russian writer; The Village; The Life of Arseniev; Cursed Days; Nobel Prize in Literature (1933)

John Milton (1674; born December 9, 1608) English poet and man of letters; Paradise Lost; Tractate on Education; Areopagitica; and minor poems in English (including "Lycidas" and "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity; Sonnets")

Norman Rockwell (1978; born February 3, 1894) American painter and illustrator; Willie Gillis series; Rosie the Riveter; Four Freedoms series; The Problem We All Live With; especially known as a cover illustrator for the Saturday Evening Post

Bonus Classic:

Plutarch (c. 46-127) Greek biographer; in the Roman era; The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans

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