Classics Calendar for August 19

The former Harney Peak has been renamed
"Black Elk Peak" for its significance in a vision
by the Lakota Sioux medicine man Black Elk.

Here are today's milestones:

Born on this day:

Samuel Richardson (1689; died July 4, 1761) English writer; Pamela; Clarissa; Sir Charles Grandison

Ogden Nash (1902; died May 19, 1971) American poet; light verse such as The Carnival of the Animals (to accompany the musical suite by Saint-Saens)

Died on this day:

Blaise Pascal (1662; born June 19, 1623) French mathematician and Christian philosopher; Pensées (Thoughts); Lettres Provinciales (The Provincial Letters)

Federico Garcia Lorca (1936; born June 5, 1898) Spanish poet and playwright; Romancero gitano (Gypsy Ballads); the Rural Trilogy (Blood Wedding; Yerma; The House of Bernarda Alba)

Black Elk (1950; born December 1, 1863) Native American elder and writer; Black Elk Speaks (with John Neihardt)

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